Tips to Keep a Long-Distance Relationship Fresh


While a long-distance relationship gives you the chance to start something exciting with a person you would have never met otherwise, there are still some challenges to overcome. Here are the best strategies for keeping a long-distance relationship fresh and making it work.

Set Ground Rules

How often will you talk to each other? What do you feel comfortable with and what makes you anxious as far as communication, intimacy and fidelity?

Setting some ground rules is vital for every relationship. Knowing what the boundaries are is even more crucial when you’re far away from each other.

Be clear with your expectations and ask your significant other to reciprocate. If you’re on the same page about communication, fidelity and the future of the relationship, you’ll increase your chances of making it work.

Do Stuff Together

Doing things together is one of the best ways to create a bond. While the physical distance is standing in the way, technology provides you with so many amazing opportunities to interact.

Plan a movie night over Skype and binge-watch your favorite shows (providing commentary and giggling about the silliness via live video stream). Put your phone by your pillow so that you can see your partner waking up the next morning and vice versa. Try cooking a meal at home, ask your partner to do the same and enjoy a romantic evening with delicious food.

Playing games together and even practicing favorite hobbies in each other’s presence can also be very beneficial.

Have Some Sexy Time

While you cannot touch and hold each other in a long-distance relationship, there are so many creative ways to enjoy intimacy and sex things up.

Sexting and phone sex are two great opportunities to explore. You’ll probably feel silly at first but in time, you’ll find that such activities are turning you on immensely.

Once again, technology comes to the rescue when it comes to enjoying a fulfilling sex life with a long distance partner. Sex toys for couples in a long-distance relationship are already available via reputable adult stores like HotCherry. Such toys can be controlled remotely via an app and they can also be synced up so that both partners using them get to experience the same thing.

Don’t underestimate the importance of sexual gratification. This is one of the things to discuss with your partner, even if you feel awkward about it. The conversation, as embarrassing as it may be, will give you a ton of joy down the line. So gather the courage and chat about sex right now!

Set an End Date

Research shows that long-distance relationships are viewed as less stressful and more enjoyable when they’re viewed as a temporary situation.

This is another important conversation you need to have early on.

Set an end date for the arrangement. Plan to meet at least a few times per year and eventually, you should consider opportunities for getting together. While logistical and personal issues necessitate some time to get addressed, starting an actual relationship in real life should be the end goal for both of you.

Send Each Other Gifts

Even if you can’t meet, there are ways to surprise your significant other and show some affection.

Sending actual gifts by mail is cute and touching. Base your purchases on conversations you’ve had and the knowledge you’ve gathered about the other person’s needs and preferences. Gifts don’t have to be expensive in order to be meaningful.

Handmade items like a photo collage or a drawing can be even more exciting for your significant other to receive. Exchanging gifts deepens the bond and creates a bit of positive anticipation that will make both of you smile all day long.

Don’t Put Your Lives on Hold

While this one may be difficult for people in a long-distance relationship, it’s essential to maintain balance and happiness in life.

You should not put your current life on hold just because you’re making plans with someone for the foreseeable future. The things that happen here and now are important. If you don’t make use of the current opportunities, you may end up regretting your decisions later on.

Do not sacrifice a ton of your time with friends to be in front of the computer camera. You shouldn’t give up your hobbies or new work projects either.

People who love each other want happiness and progress for their significant other. Thus, your partner should understand your need to be 100 percent present in your everyday life. While some adjustments will be required to make a long-distance relationship work, you should not give up important aspects of your life to make it work.

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Alex Wise served over 5 years as relationship expert helping women from around the world figure out the men in their love lives from an honest, male perspective. Alex is one of the contributors and editors for dating website. He is passionate about thought leadership writing, and regularly contributes to various career, social media, public relations, branding, and online dating communities.