5 Tips for Dating Casually


Casual dating allows you to be with someone without being in a serious relationship. You may be seeing each other but there is no attachment and there is no label that you are boyfriend and girlfriend. There’s also a chance that it could develop into a commitment over time. You may get your dates through mutual friends, social gatherings, and clubs. Dating apps are also popular nowadays.

If you and your date are on the same page, you can also have casual sex. If the experience is good, there’s a chance that you can continue to see each other. There are products from The Male Libido that can help ensure that sex will be pleasurable. These include pills that will make the penis longer and bigger. Some pills can increase your semen volume making it more satisfying for your partner. Not everyone may be open to having sex on a casual date, but if it’s consensual, then there’s nothing wrong with it. Be sure to use condoms to stay protected. Here are some tips to consider if you plan to go on casual dates.

Be clear about your status

You and the other person must be clear about the situation. She should know from day one that you are only into dating casually, and that you are not yet ready to commit to a serious relationship. It will give her a chance to walk away if it’s something that she is not into or sail along if she also likes the idea of it.

Date other people

Casual dating is also a way to explore and test the waters before you dive into the next level of your relationship. Since there is no commitment, you are free to see other people. It will let you get to know them more without feeling guilty. You may even find the person who will finally make you decide to go serious and date exclusively.

Avoid dating people you often see

It refers to people who may be in your neighborhood, in the same circle, at school or workplace. If the time comes that you don’t want to see them anymore, it will be difficult to move separate ways if you keep seeing each other. It will be easier to let go and forget about it if you do not see each other.

Keep it private

Many couples post about their relationship on social media. Hold the thoughts of doing that if you are casually dating, since you are not officially together. Other people might have a misconception about it. If they think that you are in a serious relationship, both of you may lose the chance of meeting others, who could be the one for you.

Do not be clingy

Casual dates can go on for a long time, and when this happens, the boundaries can get confusing. However, be sure to remind yourself about your agreement in the first place, and avoid being clingy or too invested. That’s of course unless you both decide to make it official.

Casual dating can be tricky and it may not fit everyone. However, if you decide to try it, remember the tips above to make it smooth sailing.

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Alex Wise served over 5 years as relationship expert helping women from around the world figure out the men in their love lives from an honest, male perspective. Alex is one of the contributors and editors for Loveawake.com dating website. He is passionate about thought leadership writing, and regularly contributes to various career, social media, public relations, branding, and online dating communities.