Top 6 Stupid Online Dating Mistakes


At this point in the dating game, the mistakes you might be making have to be ones that aren’t so obvious. The following stupid mistakes will be made by complete beginners to the online dating scene or by those who aren’t really looking for someone special and think online dating just doesn’t work.

But it works for those who know how to use it, so if you are looking for the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, then head to Loveawake and avoid making these god-awful stupid online dating mistakes.

Stupid online dating mistakes

10- Not using a picture

Seriously? Seriously?!? In this day and age, if you don’t have at least one picture up on your dating profile, chances are no one will ever even see your profile because they all select to see online profiles with pictures.

Uploading a pic to your online profile is something even a 4-year-old can do so you have no excuse not to have one next to your profile.

If you don’t have a picture up yet, put one up this minute. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

Stupid online dating mistakes

9- Using negative words

Okay, so your last relationship resulted in your getting cheated on and perhaps you were recently fired and your next door neighbor has the loudest sex you’ve ever heard, that doesn’t make your dating profile a space where you need to vent about all of this.

Your online dating profile should accentuate the positive and make you seem like a happy person overall. And more often than not, people want to be happy and people want to be around others who are also happy.

So don’t make the stupid online dating mistake of using negative words like “hate, not, no, never,” they create a vibe that isn’t pretty.

Stupid online dating mistakes

8- Cookie cutter profile

If you don’t put any thought into your online dating profile, chances are no one’s going to give you a second thought. And the whole point of online dating is to attract people and get them to reach out to you.

Avoid the clichés and think up something original about yourself to write about. Is there some kind of feat you accomplished that almost no one else has even dreamed of doing? Then write about it.

Your opening line should be the most original: forget about “looking for love” or “searching for the one”; be unique instead and use a line from one your favorite songs. Just make sure it’s not Nine Inch Nails’ “Closer”, that wouldn’t go over the way you might want.

Stupid online dating mistakes

7- Not reading profiles

You saw the picture and you liked what you saw so you winked or sent an email about nothing really, because you didn’t even bother checking out what the person had to say in their profile.

Pay attention, will you? What if the person doesn’t want to date anyone out of their vicinity? What if they don’t like divorcees and you happen to be one?

Better yet, wouldn’t your email carry more clout if you use something they wrote in their profile and mention something about it in your email? For example, they mention something about being a Star Wars fan and you mention how the prequels were terrible. This will make you more likely to garner a response.

Stupid online dating mistakes

6- Talking only about yourself

I this and I that, reading about all the things a person wants and likes more often than not leaves people feeling like they can’t possibly fulfill all those things. Keep the “about you” section of your profile short and sweet.

That’s not to say that you should go on and on about what you want in a person – keep that short and sweet, too. Stick to the basics, try to keep it original and don’t go on a tangent about anything from your past relationships.

Stupid online dating mistakes

5- Getting perverse

Titling your profile “Sexy and hot” is going to attract people who want nothing more than sex, and if that’s what you’re into, more power to you.

But don’t assume that sending someone an email that screams, “I want to bang you within the hour” is going to get you any play. In fact, it may garner the opposite response.

Typically, if you want sex, you need to be subtle about it and using words like “hot, sexy, steamy, hung” just won’t cut it. Keep it simple and avoid being too perverse.