7 Reasons Why Being In a Secret Relationship In a Huge Turn On


Despite the fact that there are tons of studies out there that prove that secret relationships never last, there’s no reasons why they shouldn’t be a good time when you’re in one. I mean, that’s the main reason why people search for secret relationships – is to have something exciting on the side. The whole mystery and the part about you secretly getting away with it is so exciting that most people just involuntarily fall into these kinds of relationship.

And that’s what we’re going to talk about in this article – the reasons why being in a secret relationship is  such a huge turn on.

Why do so many people end up in these kinds of relationships? Well, here’s 7 reasons why they do.

  1. It’s Prohibited, And So You MUST Do It!

People don’t like being told what they can and can’t do, especially women. So when you tell your wife that after both of you say your vows, she can’t go out there and have a romantic relationship with someone outside your marriage. Then guess what, she’s going to do exactly the opposite of that.

Do you know why Eve ate that apple? She was told that it’s the forbidden fruit. She knew that that apple will be the most delicious fruit in the entire world. And HAD to eat it.

Doing what’s prohibited is just so exciting and sweet because not only do you have to go to great lengths to conceal it, you also know that there will be dire consequences if you get caught. It’s a high stakes game and it’s so exciting!

  1. You Can Be Whoever You Want to Be

When you’re not in a conventional relationship, you can be who you want to be. You’re not playing by the traditional rules here. In fact, this is literally the opposite of tradition. So this is the time to try different things out, see what kind of personality you love and if it brings you happiness and excitement in your life.

  1. You Get To Sneak Out

No one forgets that time in high school when they would sneak out of the house to meet their boyfriend. Or to go to that party your boyfriend invited you to. It was so exciting that you just can’t forget about it.

Being in a secret relationship is the same thing. You get to sneak around and meet up with your romantic partner in the wrong side of the town. Maybe you can dress yourself up and put on a wig so no one can recognize you. Or if you never wear skirts, now is the time to wear one because no one would expect you to wear them.

You feel like a secret agent wearing different disguises and covering your tracks so you can conceal this exciting relationship of yours for as long as you can.

If you’re not someone’s secret obsession yet, make sure you check out His Secret Obsession Review. They go in great detail about how you can use certain phrases to get a man to be obsessed with you so you can do all the things we talk about in this article.

  1. It’s Thrilling To Get Away With Something

It’s not the right thing to say, but it’s true. There’s a thrill in getting away with something you shouldn’t be doing. You know what you’re doing is morally wrong, but it’s so exciting to go through all those things – wearing wigs, disguising yourself as someone else, meeting up in different areas of the town where no one would expect you to be.

It’s all so thrilling that you just can’t help yourself but to experience it. Some people can’t let go of it, others do it once just to get a taste and are done with it.

But at the end of the day, the thrill just makes the whole thing hotter.

  1. It Feels Like You’re Living In a Dream

You’re hanging out with a guy (or a girl, depends which way you swing) that only you know about. You’re not following the same rules that society has when it comes to dating. The whole thing is a hush hush arrangement because if anybody finds this out, there will be consequences for it. In some cases these consequences will be life changing for you.

You’re dressing up as someone else and each time you go out to meet this secret lover of yours, it’s almost like you’re going out on a secret mission of critical importance to you. The whole thing is so thrilling.

And when you think about it, you’d never get to experience this with a normal relationship. There’s just nothing to conceal there.

That’s what makes this so exciting – it’s almost like you’re living in a dream world where you’re not a spy but you’re doing the same things a spy would do.