How to Get Your Boyfriend Back? A Million Dollar Question


A break up could mean the end of the world for many of you. However this difficult phase too will pass, if you handle it wisely instead of making a mountain out of a mole hill.  Intense melodrama and heavy emotions can put off your ex whereas a casual and plain talk would fail to get connected. Hit the middle way for the best results.

Don’t try to take any revenge to settle your scores with your ex boyfriend. Never commit the mistake of dating another guy just to make your ex envious as it is not going to work out any way. It would only distance him from you and could lead to a permanent break up. Swearing, crying and grumbling will not only let you fail to win your guy back but also could influence your personality very badly. Try to be normal and be in total control of your feelings.

Make sure that you are keen on building up the relation and earnestly waiting for his presence in your life. The best approach would be to behave normally and casually without showing any hatred or awful emotions on your face and move along with him like a friend. It could bring back nostalgic thoughts in your man and it will be only a matter of time before he thinks that it could be nice to be with you.

Make sure that you do not back bite or complaint about your ex boy friend to your mutual friends as these could reach his ears. So, play safe and discuss only the good moments you had together so that in case it reaches your ex, it will only do good and will not hamper the compromise process.

Win over his friends as they can be part of breaking up and mending up processes. Friends might have influenced your ex boy friend in the past so they can do it again for a good cause and all you need to so is to convey the message that you are not as bad as they might have thought in the past. The rest is their game and in all probability they will start talking good about you at your back and this would greatly make the relationship repair easier.

The break up may make you revengeful and harsh on him, but may not be of much help. Try to be understanding and supportive in critical moments and be a true friend in times of need. This would help him recall the past when he enjoyed your limitless support and its effect on his life.

Memory is indeed a good thing that will help your ex boyfriend see light. Help him remember pleasant things of the past, without forcing things down his throat. Funny, romantic, exciting or crazy, bring out those old stories with ease from the treasure trove of your life and see how hatred and misunderstandings melt away into thin air!

Think of the pastimes and hobbies that you both shared and create circumstances where you can do it again. Make sure that you manipulate the settings without seeming too obvious and artificial. If you find yourself with your ex in a group of friends, you can suggest a leisure activity that had a special place in your past life. Be it badminton or beach volleyball or Frisbee, just drop a suggestion and chances are that he will participate in the activity with great enthusiasm. What if the group decides against it, your ex will even then be reminded that the two of you share something special and unique.