7 Surprisingly Effective Ways to Cope When Your Spouse Gets Sick


Relationships have their ups and downs, such as dealing with a sick spouse. Men or women get what I like to call the “spoouse flu.” For us it’s the same thing as a cold. It may wear us down for a day, but nothing more.

However, when that same little cold meets the person in our lives you would think the whole world was coming to an end. Now that the cold and flu season is upon us these relationship tips:

7 surprisingly effective ways to cope when your spouse gets sick should help you through this tough time in your relationship.


The best relationship tip for any situation is always don’t get ready, but live ready for anything, so be prepared at all time. To prepare for a sick spouse you are going to need a good recipe for chicken noodle soup and all the needed ingredients on hand, some strong nighttime cold and flu medicine, ear plugs, shot glass and your favorite liquor.


I know it’s hard to show empathy when you are getting over the same cold your spouse now has, but yet some how managed to suck it up and run a marathon with it, while he/she now lays curled up like a baby. In his/her mind they believe death is looming near. At this point the only relationship tip I can give you is empathize. Tell your spouse you understand how bad he/she feels and how much you want them feel better, for your own sanity sake.


Chances are on his/her better days your spouse has followed the relationship tip of taking pretty good care of you, why else would you be with them. Now it’s time to spoil him/her right back with a little extra care and love. Break out your chicken noodle soup arsenal and make a nice homemade meal. Keep him/her comfy with warm blankets and fluffy pillows. Just be warned this extra care will not make him/her better any faster.


Normally I wouldn’t suggest ignoring your spouse as a good relationship tip, but in the case of the “spouse flu” you might just need to for now. You see one of the major symptoms of “spouse flu” is insane whining. They feel the need to share their every discomfort through ear cringing whines and moans. Let your hair down and pop in the some ear plugs to tune him/her out.


I’m not talking about a nice game of Monopoly or Yahtzee. Come on this dude has the “spouse flu.” They are on their death bed. They can not be bothered with these trivial little games. You, however, deserve to have a little fun. Grab the liquor and a shot glass. Drink a shot every time he/she complains about something ridiculous, over reacts, or is just being plain dumb. Be warned this game may have you two sheets to the wind quickly.


Keeping secrets in a another relationship tip no-no, but when it comes to dealing with a sick spouse the rules are different. You can not tell this person about the “spouse flu.” They thinks it’s a cold or maybe the flu, but we know that spouse can only get the “spouse flu.” Do you remember the panic set out by the Pig Flu a couple of years ago? This same hysteria would begin if they found out about the “spouse flu.”


Again abandonment isn’t such a great relationship tip, but hey, you deserve a break. After you have had all you can take, pack them up and send him/her to their momma. Besides, it’s probably all her extra babying that made them such a pain to deal with while having a little runny nose and low fever.

After reading these 7 Surprisingly Effective Ways to Cope When Your Spouse Gets Sick you should be well versed in how to handle this years cold and flu season. Let me know how these relationship tips have worked for you and any others you have found useful.

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