You Say The Nicest Things Sometimes


Like any website, we get our share of hate mail and rude comments. “Your answer sucks!” “You guys are fags.” “You look like a douch” (sic). Etc etc. Such is life on the internet. But from time to time we get really nice comments and follow-ups to some of our posts, and they make us love what we’re doing here even more. Cases in point:

I am new to this site and have been doing a lot of back dated reading. I must say I am very impressed with the advice you and your compadres give.

Alex, this isn’t a question, but thanks for answering my question about my bf and his ex exchanging naked pics. I took your advice, and I knew it was the right thing to do. It was an isolated incident, and there was some relationship overlap/uncertainty at that time, so you were right. Your advice was great. Thanks!!

you give SUCH good advice!!!!!!!!!!!!! girl world collectively thanks you and says YOU ROCK!!

i just wanted to say, dearest wise ass you warm the cockles of my heart. (which sounds a lot dirtier than it is.) A man with a sense of humor is a wonderful thing. How’d you get so funny?

Hi, Cary! You answered my question a while back about meeting my bf’s family. It went really well- I made some limoncello and brought a bottle, which was well received. Unfortunately, I found out just a few days later that the guy was a big fat liar and so now I’m no longer dating him. But great advice! Thanks!

THANK YOU for the guidance you give. You may not know it, but you are protecting many people. I am one of them and I am forever grateful. Please keep doing what you are doing.

Cary, all of you Loveawake are SO amazing!! I don’t even know how this site reins in all your genius and hotness. 😉

You answered my question not long ago about my boyfriend saying my face “wasn’t quite right.” I wanted to let you know that your response helped me dump the loser, and almost immediately afterward I started dating a great guy who adores me. Just wanted to give my heartfelt thanks for the kick in the rear!

To the writers of these comments, thank you for the kindness. We all work very hard on Loveawake, and we truly want to help. Thanks for letting us know that we are.

Photo by sebastiaan stam on Unsplash

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Alex Wise served over 5 years as relationship expert helping women from around the world figure out the men in their love lives from an honest, male perspective. Alex is one of the contributors and editors for dating website. He is passionate about thought leadership writing, and regularly contributes to various career, social media, public relations, branding, and online dating communities.