10 Signs to Notice Your Lady Had Too Much to Drink


A list of some funny and not so funny ways that should be a signal to you that your LADY has had too much alcohol to drink.

Besides the obvious slurs and swaggering steps to the restroom, here are some ways to let you know your LADY has had too much to drink and maybe you should take him home before he crosses the line from silly to nitwit.

You can tell when you LADY has had too much to drink when she:

  1. Ignores you. Hangs out with the girls leaving you to fend for yourself.
  2. Becomes the center of attention. Dances up a storm at a wedding reception, participates in drinking games, etc.
  3. Starts sitting like a man.
  4. Starts to lose clothing – shoes, belt, sweater, etc.
  5. Disappears on you.
  6. Loses her purse.
  7. Starts crying for no apparent reason.
  8. Throws up.
  9. Falls, trips or knocks things over.
  10. Forgets your name or calls you, “John” but your name is “Mike.”

Caution: Be safe. Don’t either of you drive after drinking. Call a cab.

Here are our three tips to help you through the alcohol-filled waters of first dates.

1. Don’t be pushy and don’t let yourself be pushed. If your date doesn’t want a drink, don’t push the issue. Likewise, if you don’t drink but your date is encouraging you to have one, don’t let yourself be pushed into it. Alcohol is an inhibitor; your date may be perfectly innocent in giving you a drink. Then again, he may not.

2. Why do you want to drink? Wanting a drink to carry around a party doesn’t mean you’re an alcoholic. But think about why you might want a drink, especially if alcohol seems to make your date uncomfortable. Are you trying to break the ice? Trying to loosen up? First dates can be nerve-wracking, but don’t cloud your judgment or mask your real feelings or personality with alcohol. Take a deep breath and turn down that drink if it’s for the wrong reasons.

3. Know your limits. Choosing to drink or not is your decision, not the decision of your date. Still, you must know your limits. If a second glass of wine always makes you tipsy or a single mixed drink is your limit, stick to that. When you’re offered more than you would normally take, be polite but don’t take the drink. And, to avoid this type of situation, nurse the one drink you allow yourself. Trust us: The other party-goers won’t notice.

There is nothing wrong with having a drink at a party, whether your date follows suit or not. But keep an eye out for that pushy behavior — either pushing you to drink or not to drink — as that can point out potential problems for the relationship later on.

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Alex Wise served over 5 years as relationship expert helping women from around the world figure out the men in their love lives from an honest, male perspective. Alex is one of the contributors and editors for Loveawake.com dating website. He is passionate about thought leadership writing, and regularly contributes to various career, social media, public relations, branding, and online dating communities.