6 Reasons to Talk Less About Relationships in Social Networks


It’s great to take pictures with a partner, come up with funny statuses and post stories where you walk in the park. This way you can keep your friends and family informed now, and later you will be able to awaken long-forgotten but pleasant memories. However, the clinical psychologists believe that the constant talks about what’s happening in your relationships are a red flag. The good news is that the silent mode in social networks will change the atmosphere in your couple for the better. Let’s find out how exactly this happens.

1. You will live in the moment

Here you can draw an analogy with a concert. It’s one thing when you can shoot the performance of your favorite band to review it later. However, it’s much cooler to sing along to the artists with the crowd, dance to your favorite tracks, and enjoy the moment when you are involved in single girls dating. The same happens in a relationship. The time spent on social networks, you and your partner could spend much more productively: discuss plans, talk about interests, do what you love — such a pastime will significantly strengthen the emotional connection.

2. You will feel the sincerity of the relationship

Living the moment, instead of coming up with another abstruse status for the post, you will realize that in this case, you feel affection for each other. At the same time, going to a picnic for the sake of good photos, you as if shift your energy to documenting the “fun” in social networks instead of enjoying each other’s company. Nobody forbids taking pictures for the sake of good images, but do not forget to spend time without phones. It is unlikely that you will regret that you haven’t posted a picture of breakfast for two on Instagram, but you will regret about warm and important words that have never been said.

3. You will start experiencing less stress and external pressure

Focusing on social networks, we involuntarily think about how well we display our rich inner world and whether we keep up with the trends. Hiding behind ideal images and ideas about relationships, we try to match them one hundred percent and put mental health in jeopardy. Many users of social networks no longer use them to preserve memories since it is important for them to keep up with others. By not focusing on how your relationship looks, you reduce the level of pressure created by the artificial desire to keep a public face.

4. You will become closer to each other

Being in a relationship, you devote all your free time to a partner, especially at the initial stage. We are sure that nothing will spoil the moment so much as surfing on the Internet, instead of showing attention to the soulmate. Nonetheless, investing in communication, you create neurobiological patterns that enhance empathy and the desire to care.

5. You will keep your relationships truly private

Many people need to keep their personal lives private, and that’s normal. You will add a few points to karma and show that the soulmate is a priority for you if you ask your partner before posting on the social network whether they want to flaunt what is happening to them now. By the way, this measure will also help from possible negative comments about your couple.

6. You will cease to compare yourself with others

Nowadays very often, ideas about how we should look, think and act come from social networks. Constant comparison is an unconscious mechanism, but it works against mental health and relationships. Looking through the news feed, especially if you are subscribed to “happy couples and parents,” you see how other couples behave and, perhaps, want to bring something new to your relationship. However, it is important to remember that posts in social networks little reflect the whole truth. Bloggers check the contents of profiles several times and strive to show an idealized life. Reality is not a Disney cartoon. They don’t always sing wonderful songs, dance or love each other with all their hearts as well as give bouquets. And this is natural. However, artificial high standards make us feel inferiority complex and waste our efforts on trying to achieve perfection. Refusal from frequent posting in social networks will help stop comparing yourself with others, and therefore, feel imperfect.