5 Reasons Your Guy Might Think You’re Psycho


We all know her—the woman who throws tantrums and gets emotionally out-of-control as a way to secure her relationships. We’ve all been her at one time or another. We’re the girls who go out of our way to make the relationship work, only to have him pull away and lose interest. Instead of questioning what you’re doing wrong, try to figure out what behaviors you need to tweak in order to become happy with yourself first. And while you’re digging deep, reflect on some of these 5 actions that may be driving away your man, and make a plan to have a healthier self-image and relationship.

You’re too needy.

When you don’t have a good self-esteem, you become needy for someone to rescue you from your life. And nothing is more unsexy than neediness. You’ll end up suffocating your man by acting more like a helpless child than his lover. Think you’re the needy type? Strive to create a life that you love so much that you’ll never dream of someone swooping in to take you away from it all.

You’re playing head games.

If you use manipulation such as whining, complaining, over-talking and being passive-aggressive to get your needs met, chances are you need a course in relationship communication. When women whine, men lose respect because they’re acting immaturely. If you’re into playing head games, learn to have enough self-respect that you’ll stand up for yourself and communicate in a direct and deliberate manner. This approach says that you know what you’re talking about and how you expect to be treated.

You’re too nice.

Sorry, but men don’t really respect nice girls. Nice girls are gullible, love innocently and will constantly give their partner the benefit of the doubt rather them putting him in his place when he needs it. If you’re too nice, you’re far more likely to be taken advantage of, abused, lied to and cheated on. You don’t want to be sacrificing your own happiness for the needs of your man. Instead, start putting your own needs first and make sure they’re met before catering to your partner.

You’re way too obsessive.

When you obsess over your relationship, and make your man the center of your Universe, you lack power. This can actually make men feel uncomfortable because it’s too heavy of a responsibility to be the center of another person’s world. How do you stop this behavior? GET A LIFE that’s goal oriented and passionate. If you’re obsessing then you have too much time on your hands—and he knows that.

You’re watching his every move.

If you’re acting controlling and want to know every move your man makes, then he’s going to feel like he has to punch in and out on a time-clock with you. This type of invasive behavior will only push him way because he wants his freedom. If you’re the controlling type, you need to learn to have self-control. The only life and happiness you can really have any control over is your own. Dive into your life and make yourself so goal-oriented and busy that you won’t have time to be checking up on your guy. And soon, he’ll be checking up on you!

Independent, self-sufficient women are hard to find. Many women can be financially independent but still emotionally immature and needy. What makes men swoon, is a woman who has self-control. Most women are hysterical when it comes to relationships and trying to secure and control their men. When a woman is secure in herself, holds her own emotionally, can be direct in her needs and limits and has the capacity to walk if she’s not being treated correctly, then she’ll be respected by her man.

Little Life Message: A woman’s only job in her life is to be completely content with herself and the life she created… the rest will fall into place.