How to Judge a Man by the Type of Dog He Owns


Some women just absolutely melt when they see a man walking his dog downtown or playing catch with his dog in the park. However, most women do not realize that the type of dog that a man owns really does say a lot about his character and the type of person that he is. Many dog experts will tell you that there is a link between the type of dog that a man has and his overall personality.

Jack Russell Terrier

men who have a Jack Russell Terrier as their best companion are most likely very active men. Many with this type of dogs may appear to have a serious side but they in fact are just high on life. They have a tough time sitting still for long periods and they tend to be a bit on the wild side.

Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retrievers are a common breed of dog for some men. Most owners of these dog types are classified as the guy-next-door type. They are the all-American boy that you would be proud to take home to meet the family. Men that have Labs as pets are often very predictable and dependable in nature.


many people often associate Beagles with the cartoon character, Snoopy. However, what the cartoons rarely depicted is that fact that these dogs go through separation anxiety and they often howl, upsetting their neighbors. Men who own these types of dogs are their happiest when they are spending time with friends and family. They, like their dog, also have a sweet personality and love to cuddle.


Collies are one of the most disciplined dog breeds and extremely focused. Men that own Collies do not like women who play mind games at all.


Men that own Pugs are solid and secure but they are also romantic at heart. These men often are open-minded and look past the flaws that a woman may have.


Mutt owners are humble and laid-back. They are also good at determining right from wrong and usually follow the right path. They also appreciate the flaws in a woman since it is what makes the woman.


While Husky dogs are beautiful dogs to look at with piercing eyes and stunning fur, you may have a tough time deciding if you like the dog or the owner best. Men who own these types of dogs are often sexy and they are true nature lovers.

Saint Bernard

Men that own Saint Bernard’s are oftentimes ones who aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty. In addition, these men also love to please other people.


Bulldogs are a man’s dog. These type of men are mostly a meat and potatoes kind of person and love their sports as well.

While the type of dog you own may have some influence on who you are, it’s still important to take the time to learn about a person. When you really what to know what your potential partner is all about, then get the lines of communication rolling and ask.