The Best and The Worst Professions to Date


Bankers, lawyers, pediatrcians — it sucks to date all of ’em, AMIRITE ladies? But seriously, after we read a post over on the “Why It Is Evil” blog on how chefs are kind of the hot new d-bag profession, it got us thinking — what are the best professions to date, and what are the absolute worst to have a relationship with? Our informal but totally rational and scientific poll yielded the following results:

Best Professions to Date

Teachers. Teachers win big because they’re patient, have a sense of humor, and have summers off so they can clean the house and stuff. — Erin



Pizza guy: Knows how to make pizza, smells like pizza, and evening hours mean I don’t have to share the TV at night. — Laura




Small-time drug dealer: They’re sweet and they always have tons of snacks, video game consoles and friends with entertaining nicknames. I like to tell my dad I’m dating an “entrepreneur.” — Julieanne



Media guy: They’re creative but not the d-bag kind of artistecreative. And they usually make pretty good money — a.k.a have real beds. — Emily



Non-Spandex-wearing bike messenger: They smell like sweat and the post office. They can fix things. They know where all the cheap happy hours are. They have hot friends who are equally sweaty/athletic/alcoholic. — Julie



Worst Professions to Date


Drummer: Dating a drummer is like dating a guy with four other d-bag boyfriends — his bandmates. That said, I often find them ridiculously attractive and stuff. Whoops. — Julie



Anything with “banker” in the title. I prefer the douchebaggery of a drummer to the tooliness of a banker any day. And bankers aren’t allowed to have beards. — Erin


Media guy: No secrets! Your life is fodder for their stories. “Hey, I love that article you wrote about your screwy alcoholic girlfriend for Nerve … WAIT A MINUTE!” — Julieanne



Bartender: They get hit on constantly, and they don’t get off work until 4 a.m. Plus, I just always have the niggling feeling they might give me herpes. — Emily



Firefighters: They get free sex from everyone they meet and use 9/11 to justify alcoholism/committmentphobia/crying like a big fat baby.

What are the best (and worst) professions you’ve dated? Tell us in the comments!

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Alex Wise served over 5 years as relationship expert helping women from around the world figure out the men in their love lives from an honest, male perspective. Alex is one of the contributors and editors for dating website. He is passionate about thought leadership writing, and regularly contributes to various career, social media, public relations, branding, and online dating communities.