How Does “No” Lead to Better Women?


In this article, we explore how the art of saying ‘no’ to women as an assertive, confident man can lead to becoming more abundant and attractive in your dating life.

In my last post titled, What Is Abundance Reality? I talked about a concept we call… “Abundance Reality.” This week, I’m going to talk more about how this concept can help you can handle rejection in a way that is very attractive to high value women.

How do you know when you have abundance with beautiful women? When you honestly don’t care whether a beautiful woman stays or goes. Why? Because you have so many other beautiful women in your life, who are so incredible, fun, sexy and interesting AND you know that you can easily bring more women like this into your life – “rejection” really has no effect on you at all.

You don’t need this girls approval. You don’t need any girls approval or validation in order to feel confident and happy. Let me tell you, this is a hugely attractive quality for an Amazing Man to cultivate.

It doesn’t happen by telling yourself feel-good phrases trying to conjure up some kind of “abundance mentality” mindset. It happens because beautiful women who like you and want to stay with you are actually abundant. It is your reality.

Look at all the guys out there desperately trying to get women to like them. They tell stories to try to make themselves look better. They use routines to try to show the girls how cool they are. They act tough to try to show the girls how alpha they are. They shower her with gifts and flowers to try to keep her from leaving.

But what do they all share in common? The guys using those tactics are all trying to MAKE the girl like him.

What message does it send to the girl when you have to make her like you? It tells her that you NEED her. It tells her that this guy is afraid of rejection and insecure. It’s no wonder that guys like this have to struggle so much with women. Girls can tell instantly that this guy is desperate for attention from her.

What is the signature of a man who has complete confidence in himself? When he can accept “No” as an answer from women just as easily as yes. It doesn’t bother him either way. Instead of kicking and screaming (mentally), trying to think of new tactics to get her… a man of confidence is able to move on with his life, knowing that a really amazing woman who honestly likes him is just around the corner (often literally).

Personally (and this is true of all of our guys), when I started being able to accept “No” from women… I started hearing “Yes! Please!” a whole lot more.

So the responses I got from women sounded a little bit like this:

  • “Sorry, I’m in a hurry,” said the first woman I talked to as she walked away.
  •  “Um, I’m in a hurry,” said the next woman as she walked away.
  •  “I’m busy,” said the next woman as she walked away.
  • “I can’t,” said the next woman as she walked away.
  • “Sorry, I have a boyfriend,” said the next woman as she walked away.
  • “…” said the next woman as she walked away.
  • “I’m late, good-bye,” said the (hot description) as she walked away.
  • “…” said the next woman as she walked away.
  • “I’m meeting my friends, I gotta go,” said the (hot description) as she walked away.
  • “I’m in a hurry,” said the next woman as she walked away.
  • “No time,” said the next woman as she walked away.
  • “I’m in a bit of a hurry,” said the next woman as she walked away.
  • “Sorry,” said the next woman as she walked away.
  • “Sorry, I’m in a hurry,” said the next woman as she walked away.
  • “Umm…” said the next woman as she walked away.
  • “…” said the next woman as she walked away.
  • “I’m really busy…” said the next woman as she walked away.
  • “…” said the next woman as she walked away.
  • “No thank you,” said the next woman as she walked away.
  • “I’m in a big hurry,” said the next woman as she walked away.
  • “Not interested,” said the next woman as she walked away.
  • “No thank you,” said the next woman as she walked away.
  • “Sorry, I’m in a hurry,” said the next woman as she walked away.
  • “…” said the next woman as she walked away.
  • “Err, I gotta go,” said the next woman in a row as she walked away.
  • “…” said the 26th woman as she walked away.

At this point, some guys might be ready to say, “Noooooo! Not again. That’s the 26th woman today who wouldn’t even stop and talk to me! I must be hideous and a bad person and smelly and dumb! Blah! I’m gonna go home, put on my trench coat, paint the walls black, light some candles, hug myself and sing Emo songs!”

Personally, when multiple women don’t engage me in conversation, I usually feel something within the range of “meh” to “indifferent,” but sometimes I even feel “pretty good.”

Why? Because I’m ready to say “How many women ignored me, only 26? This is an exceptionally good day. I can still meet 4 gorgeous women and get 4 numbers to make a nice, rounded 30 women approached today…” And I have. Lots of times.

That means if the first woman you talk to insults your mother, uppercuts you and then drops an anvil on your head*, that means there’s 29 more women to talk to in order to reach 30, and that’s 29 more chances to meet really beautiful, cool women who like me from the start…

Which is why it makes it so easy to accept no as an answer. There’s 29 other women I’m making an offer to today, and another 30 women to talk to tomorrow, plus 30 more the day after that, oh yeah and 30 after that one too, and then…

In short, if you’re dressing well, smiling, and exercising, then get up, get out and talk to massive amounts of women daily – you might just end up with lots of dates, even (especially?) if it doesn’t seem like it at first.

*Note: Nightmare situations like this simply NEVER happen.