How to Choose the Best Flower Bouquet for Your Valentine


Valentine’s Day is a special time for couples new and old. While you celebrate every day together, this is a special day to truly show your appreciation for the one you love. And what better way to show someone you love and appreciate all they do for you than a thank you bouquet of flowers.

While there are many great potential gifts for Valentine’s day, flowers offer a simple elegance that is unmatched by other gifts. But how do you choose the right bouquet to impress your partner?

Whether you are having a drink date indoors with your loved one, or are planning a nice walk in the park, this article is going to go over some tips to help you choose the best flower bouquet for your Valentine this year.

Choose the Right Florist/Provider

The first step to choosing the right flower bouquet is to find the right florist or provider. While there might be dozens of options out there, not all are created equally. If you want the best flowers, and the most reliable service, you need to do your homework. Be sure to work with a company that has a lot of experience, and has a good reputation for delivering quality products.

Also, different florists and providers might have different stock. So be sure that they carry the flowers you want to buy, so you don’t need to make any compromises. This can be a bit of extra time and work in some cases, but is certainly worth it to ensure that you get the best Valentine’s Day flowers possible.

Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute

When it comes to Valentine’s Day, many people unfortunately wait until the last minute before buying their gifts. It could be because of a busy lifestyle, because they forgot or simply because they were lazy. Unfortunately, the longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to find the right gift. It is especially important if you want to give the gift of flowers.

If you wait until the last minute, finding flowers can often be easier said than done. And the ones you do find might not be the ones you want, or may already be on their last legs. Now, you shouldn’t buy them days in advance, but you should at least have a plan.

This is doubly true if you decide to order flowers online. While many will ship and arrive quickly, the chances of you ordering and receiving the flowers on the same day is rare. As a result, think ahead and have a plan for not only where you want to get the flowers, but also the kind of flowers you want. Planning ahead can ensure you get your partner the flowers they want and deserve, without any issues or hiccups along the way.

Ask Your Partner What They Like

Of course, you should also consider asking them the kinds of flowers they like. This will ensure you get the right bouquet and they will be able to get the full amount of enjoyment out of the gift. If you don’t want to be that direct, simply keep tabs on the types of flowers they have enjoyed in the past, or consider asking their friends. 

Don’t be afraid to be creative, as well. Based on their style and tastes in other things, one can often decipher what types of colors or flowers that they may like. While they are sure to appreciate any bouquet you get for them, taking this extra bit of care and attention is never a bad idea.

Make Sure They Are Fresh

The best part about receiving flowers as a gift is getting to enjoy their beauty and scent for as long as possible. As a result, any flowers you give as a gift to your significant other should be fresh. The fresher the flowers, the longer they will last and the more joy that they will be able to provide.

If you give flowers that are already showing their age, they won’t last very long. Be sure to familiarize yourself with how to identify fresh flowers. The stems should be green and sturdy, the leaves should look fresh and the petals themselves shouldn’t be wilted or discolored. If they are overly dry, that could also be a cause for concern.

Think of the Meanings of the Flowers

Flowers can be given as a gift in any situation. As a result, it is also a good idea to think of the meaning of certain flowers. Different types of flowers have different types of meanings and emotions that they signify. Even the color difference from flower to flower can have an impact on the deeper meaning a flower has. If you’re not sure the type of flowers to get your loved one, consulting their meanings can often help you decide.

Of course, these meanings don’t need to be followed perfectly and aren’t rules that are set in stone. For example, dark flowers are usually common at funerals and signify sorrow or mourning, but if your partner simply likes how they look, they can be given as a gift and be completely acceptable.

Be Aware of Any Allergies

Because flowers are a living plant and some make pollen, it is possible for people to be allergic to some flowers. For example, some people may be allergic to flowers like daisies, sunflowers and chrysanthemums. Allergic reactions can run the gamut from red and itchy skin, to difficulty breathing or a stuffy nose.

Before you decide on the types of flowers to include in a bouquet, always ensure you know of any potential allergies. Avoid them at all costs to ensure no reaction will take place, and they can enjoy their gifted flowers in peace. Thankfully, with so many flowers out there, finding ones that don’t aggravate the allergies of your loved one should be easy.

In conclusion, these aforementioned tips will be able to help you ensure you get the right flowers for your Valentine this year.

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Alex Wise served over 5 years as relationship expert helping women from around the world figure out the men in their love lives from an honest, male perspective. Alex is one of the contributors and editors for dating website. He is passionate about thought leadership writing, and regularly contributes to various career, social media, public relations, branding, and online dating communities.