The 7 Sexiest Things You Can Do For Your Man (and Your Relationship)


Unless you’ve never been in a relationship, you know that every relationship goes through phases. There’s the getting to know you phase, aka the first few dates. There’s the honeymoon phase, aka can’t get enough of each other, fuck like rabbits wherever, whenever. Then there’s the reality phase, aka the real relationship. This is after the fireworks show and the once cute quirks are now… well… annoying quirks you put up with and try oh, so hard to ignore when the height of PMS is upon you.

Point being, after the newness of it all wears off, relationships are a battle of give and take. They are machines that will inevitably break down if not kept well oiled. They have the power make you feel so, so high and oh, so low. They are, above all else, what you make them. Put little effort into your relationship and it will fail. Take the advice I’m about to give and happily ever after will come true.

I may not be a trained relationship expert but I am a gal who has a kickass relationship. So I am sharing some tips-guaranteed to keep your relationship hot (or to help to refill the sexy meter if it’s running low). How do I know these methods work? Because my relationship is kickass, remember? I may not be a trained relationship expert but I am a gal who is unconditionally head over heels in love with her best friend; a guy who does his part to make me feel as if I’m a fairy tale princess, riding off into the sunset with her Prince Charming, each and every day.

The Sexiest Thing You Can Do For Your Man is..

Cook For Him

You may be thinking um, I cook dinner every night. Nothing special here. You’re wrong. Most of us cook dinner during the week. What I’m talking about it that special meal you bring out every once in awhile when he’s had a hard day at work or his favorite team lost a big game or those random, just because I love you kinda days. It has to be something he will love, something he will be salivating for. He will love you for a long time if you throw his special meal into the mix every once in awhile.

My go-to recipe: Steak with my special marinade. 1 cup olive oil, brown sugar, minced garlic, onion powder, salt, pepper, prepared horseradish, bacon bits. Mix all to a paste and to taste. Rub on steak. Marinate in fridge for a few hours. Cook in butter, on stovetop, med-hi heat, about 5 minutes per side depending on steak thickness.

Let Him Rescue You

Our sexy partners are still men. The male species are and will forever be, hard wired to save us. Their primal urge to prove themselves, and their ego, needs to be stroked at times. Yes ladies, that’s right. You need to be stroking both heads of your man to keep him feeling wanted. Every few months, play up a crapstastic thing you’re dealing with (one you know your guy can handle) and let him save you. Give his primal ego a good stroking and see his deflating male ego re-inflate within seconds.

Baby Him During His Man Cold (aka Rescue Him)

Listen. The second I realize my man has a cold, I cringe. Men cannot handle being sick. We all know that. It is annoying. The world is (according to them) ending. Men are at their weakest hours when dealing with any kind of ailment. And so I am here to say, deal with it and go rescue him. Years ago, at the height of a man cold where I was at a point where I wanted him to fall into a week long, NyQuil induced sleep, I realized I had two options. I could either continue to plot his death and use his incessant whining as my defense, or I could rescue him by babying the hell out of him. Liking him too much, I chose the second option. If he’s sick or hurt, I wait on him hand and foot. I don’t give him the option of whining. I make sure he is taken care of, has everything he needs, and I urge him to rest in bed. He’s happy and appreciative. Plus, I’m happy and not living in a jail cell with someone who made me her bitch.

Do What Yaya Did

My grandmother gave me some advice years ago. I have followed this advice every day since: if you want your husband to come home, make him want to come home. Fix up your makeup before he walks in the door… spritz some perfume on your neck… if you have kids, make sure the first room he will see is totally picked up (even if the rest of the house is a mess). For god sake you’re married – have sex with your husband.

 Own The Essential Wardrobe Items

Must haves in your closet or drawers:

  1. A sexy black dress and a killer pair of heels for that sexy night out.
  2. A kickass pair of jeans. The kind that makes your ass goddess-like.
  3. An ultra sexy piece of lingerie.
  4. Crotchless Panties
  5. A cute, girl’s baseball t-shirt and short pair of sweat shorts.

Allow Him To Be A Kid

Boys will always be boys. Give your guy some time each week to do boy stuff. If he wants to play Call of Duty online with his friends, let him. If he’s hogging the kids’ electric scooter, let him. Guys need to be guys. They need their time just as much as we need our time. Believe me when I say watching Girls is much more enjoyable without him than it is with him. Let him play while you catch up on your guilty pleasure shows.

And lastly…

Love Him Unconditionally

Support his decisions. Stand in his corner. Love him at his best. Love him more at his worst. Lend your ear when he talks. Listen to what he says. Be his rock, his partner, his best friend. Be the girl he has always dreamed of loving.

No matter how kickass and empowered us gals are, we all want to experience the happily ever after. These tips will not only ensure you ride off into the sunset, they will ensure those moments in-between once upon a time and happily ever after go as amazing as possible. Remember, relationships give you what you give to it. Give a little, get back little. Put in the effort and receive the best feeling in the world back: true, fairy tale-esque love.

Now I want to know… what special thing do you do for your man that lets him know you love the heck out of him?

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Sarah is the Senior Editor of a site that empowers women to take chances, build confidence and find love by incorporating flirting into their daily routines. A scifi junky, addicted to tattoos and Joyce Carol Oates, she is currently relocating to Seattle.