What is a “Player” and How To Become One


Before committing to actually write this article I took the time to scour the internet and find out what the common belief is about the term “player” in general.

Here are the 2 answers found online:

A player is a guy who is sustaining supposedly exclusive relationships with multiple girls simultaneously – WRONG!

A male who is skilled at manipulating (“playing”) others, and especially at seducing women by pretending to care about them, when in reality they are only interested in sex. – CLOSE

Here’s what a player really is:

Let’s look at it this way, if you play Call of Duty (or any other console/pc game), you’re a player in that particular game. A real life player is no different. He just plays a different game – The Game.

It’s called “The Game” because it’s the most important game one can play, the game of life.

A real “player” is what a man strives to achieve. He is so much more than just a ladies’ man, although that’s his favorite part of the game.

So what are some of the qualities of a real player?

  • He is a true gentleman
  • He can get any woman he wants
  • He can please any woman
  • He knows what women want
  • He knows how to give them what they want
  • He knows it even better than the woman themselves
  • Women fall at his feet
  • Women talk about him
  • He has many friends
  • He’s always clean and looks good
  • He’s direct
  • He’s focused and goal oriented
  • He’s great at the game

How can you become a player?

Any man can become a player and yes, that includes you too. Being a player is not hard, it just takes the right guidance and some sweat.

I’ve made this site to teach men how to become real life players. Each week I post around 1-3 articles related to being a player, how to succeed with women and how to improve your everyday life.

The first step you need to make is to read the free eBook that I give out, it’s called:

The Player’s Guide To Meeting and Seducing Women

You will then subscribe to my Loveawake Newsletter where I take you by the hand and teach you about the most important things of being a player…

  • Inner game
  • Approaching women
  • Flirting
  • Conversation
  • Seduction
  • Sex
  • Online game
  • And it doesn’t stop here

Being a player is a constant path of self improvement, if you want to succeed in life but more importantly with women, you need to be willing to change.

Fill out the form below and let’s start your journey today.

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Alex Wise served over 5 years as relationship expert helping women from around the world figure out the men in their love lives from an honest, male perspective. Alex is one of the contributors and editors for Loveawake.com dating website. He is passionate about thought leadership writing, and regularly contributes to various career, social media, public relations, branding, and online dating communities.