When Should You Call Your Girlfriend?


Firstly lets get this straight. There are no rules to when you should call. Some people call the next day after getting the number and have great success, others leave it 2-3 days and get the same results.

It really comes down to personal preference. I just want to share my thoughts on the subject and how I have got my best results.

Firstly I like to text a girl first and do it the very next day. Why? Because the interaction is still fresh in her mind and a text is a very easy non threatening form of communication. Girls are more likely to respond to text than answer the phone. Plus if they respond to your text they are much more likely to answer the call later on.

Few things to remember when you text a girl.

* Make it fun – Women love to have fun
* Make statements to show dominant attitude – They like dominant men
* Include something that happened during the night – Brings back the awesome memories of you 2 together.

Here is an example of a text a fiend of mine sent a girl recently with huge success.

So he met this girl in a pub and they seemed to get on really well. He found out that she was currently working in a coffee shop.

Here is the text he sent her the next day (I really did like this one):

‘Hey there Queen Of The Bean. I seen two tramps fighting over a Starbucks double decaf and thought of you. Hope you had a good evening last night’

This text covers all 3 of the points made above. Trust me she will never have had anyone send such a cool text before. Even if she has it would not matter, she would still enjoy it big time.

If she replies then great. Just carry on and have a ‘normal’ text conversation. Does not have to be fancy. Maybe mention that you should meet up sometime soon. This puts the thought of you and her meeting up without actually organising anything. Remember you are trying to make her feel comfortable. Organising the date is for the phone call itself.

If she does not reply then the next day just go for it and ring her. You have nothing to lose.

The phone call itself. Normally the day after the text. When you ring the girl, if she answers then great. Just follow the same principles as the text. Remember you are this cool guy. Let her see this. Within this call you should organise a time for when you should meet up.

If she does not answer let the phone ring until it goes onto answer machine. This shows you are not afraid that she will answer. Then ring again straight away. Maybe she was trying to answer but was not quick enough. Trust me if she just missed the call, she is very unlikely to call you back. So again wait for it to hit the answer phone (unless of course she answers) but do not leave any voice messages. They are not required. She knows its you so why bother.

Now wait to see if she gets in contact. She will probably send a text to explain why she could not answer, if she is interested. If not you could try to ring the next day but I generally just leave it alone. Remember there is a whole world of hot women out there. Abundance is the key.

Next time you may just need to spend more time with the girl when you meet. Chat for longer. Then she is more likely to want to speak again in the future.