Does Your Boyfriend’s Porn Habit Affect Your Sex Life?


Erotic content is popular not only among singles – in fact, many people who are in a relationship also enjoy watching porn or reading sex stories, like those posted on OMG Kinky. Solely in the United States, around 40 million people visit such websites on a regular basis, and the majority of them are men. It often happens that when someone finds out that their partner watches porn secretly, they feel as if they were cheated on, or they start to wonder how this habit can affect their relationship in general. Moreover, sometimes they are worried if it already is a porn addiction. Is it really something that we should be concerned about?

The Pros of Porn Use

Actually, there can be some advantages to watching porn. Let’s check them out!

Source of Inspiration

It happens that people watch porn not only to masturbate and achieve pleasure on their own but also to explore some new erotic ideas that can be used in real life. It may be a new position, a new sex toy, inviting a third person to your bed, or many other novelties for your sex life. There is nothing wrong with that – it can actually refresh your relationship and make it more exciting, which is particularly vital after living together for many years. However, there is one crucial thing to keep in mind – porn is made for entertainment, not for education, so it is usually spiced up to turn the viewer on more effectively. In reality, bodies can react differently and may need more time to arouse. The most significant thing to do after using porn as a source of inspiration is to talk it over with your partner to make sure you are both okay with that.

A Solution for Different Libido Levels

In some relationships, there is a serious issue of libido level differences. One of the partners may have more appetite for sex, while the other is tired of doing it too often. Porn makes this problem easier to solve because if you allow your boyfriend for some solo-play now and then, he may become less horny and adjust to your sex frequency preferences better. It happens that people who have a stronger libido than their partner start to cheat, so it may be better to allow them to watch porn than to risk a secret affair.

The Cons of Porn Use

Unfortunately, some concerns that people have about their partner watching porn may be actually valid. Keep them in mind!

Objectification of Women

Obviously, it depends on the quality of a particular porn clip, but indeed many of them tend to objectify and dehumanize women. In this industry, gender inequalities are still visible, with men not even showing their faces in many porn videos and women being depicted almost as their sex toys focused on making them cum only. What is more, sometimes even violence against women is presented as something normal for a sexual encounter between two (or more) people. If it is watched by someone who finds it hard to separate fiction and fantasy from real life, it can be harmful to their relationships.

Unrealistic Expectations

People who have watched porn very frequently may have unrealistic expectations of their real sex life. In erotic videos, everything is idealized – bodies are perfect, orgasms are quick, reactions are exaggerated, etc. Real life and real people are not ideal, and not everything goes so well every time. Relationships should be based on mutual understanding and dialog, and to achieve mutual satisfaction, a couple often needs to talk over things, practice a particular technique a few times, and reach some compromises. This is completely normal – it does not mean your sex relationship is worse than the one depicted in porn. It is just more down-to-earth and not planned by a director.

The Bottom Line

Many people, especially men, like to watch porn even if they have a stable relationship and a loving partner.  It is not necessarily a good or bad thing because it all depends on a particular person. For some people, porn can be a great solution to them having higher sex crave than their partner, and some may find it inspiring to discover new ways to have fun in bed together. Nevertheless, it happens that people get too convinced that what is shown in sex videos reflect real-life situations, while in fact, they are just spiced up to make more money.

If you know or at least suppose that your boyfriend’s porn habit affects your relationship in a negative way, try to talk it over with him. Also, if the only issue you are concerned with is the fact that he watches porn alone in secret, maybe doing it together can turn out to be an enjoyable part of your sex foreplay. Trying out new things with your partner is always exciting!

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Alex Wise served over 5 years as relationship expert helping women from around the world figure out the men in their love lives from an honest, male perspective. Alex is one of the contributors and editors for dating website. He is passionate about thought leadership writing, and regularly contributes to various career, social media, public relations, branding, and online dating communities.